Friday, September 2, 2016

100 Days of Batman, Day 38

Batman: No Man's Land is a huge collection spanning five volumes. Because it is such a long story I have decided to pick up the pace so that I will be able to read more story arcs instead of focusing on one for what would be about forty days. So for today I read both Fear of Faith Part 3: Life in Hell and Fear of Faith Part 4: Be Not Afraid written by Devin K. Grayson with art by Dale Eaglesham. Scarecrows plan to cause as much fear and chaos as possible is now in full motion. Having ultimately turned the refugee center into a powder-keg full of weapons it is only a matter of time before the gangs of Gotham attempt to take the weapons for themselves.  

Rather than judge both issues separate I am going to group them together, seeings as they would both receive the same recommendation if I judged them individually. They are very much WORTH YOUR TIME. Batman again takes a back seat to the story and could likely have not been included at all. That is completely OK however as I believe the entire story of No Man's Land is about the normal people having to survive in a terrible situation. Despite being the cause of an explosive situation the true hero of this story was Father Chris. The man brought many different people together who simply needed a place to stay. It didn't matter what they believed, the color of their skin, or even what their pasts were. Its a great message and I think a lot of people could learn from especially in today's screwed up and terrifying world. If you read no other part of the No Man's Land story who should at the very least read the four issue subplot Fear of Faith. 


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