Saturday, October 15, 2016

100 Days of Batman, Day 81

Well I'm continuing on with Grant Morrison's Batman and Robin run. His Joker reveal at the end of Vol. 2 just makes me want to keep going with it. Batman and Robin Must Die! Part One: The Garden of Death from what I can tell is the beginning of the story that Morrison has been leading up to since issue one. El Penitente has arrived in Gotham. Which creates a serious issue for Batman especially since Bruce Wayne's greatest foe is back and it is impossible to know what the Clown Prince of Crime has in store for the city.

I am a little disappointed with this first issue. It feels as if something big is about to take place but for some reason it just did not resonate with me. Pyg is broken out of prison by El Penitente, apparently they have been working together, ok I guess. And apparently they have been forging a drug that that causes you to "catch addictions". I don't understand what that even means, am I the only one? Does it even make any sense? Ok whatever I guess I will give it a pass for now, but Morrison needs to clarify what he means, if not Morrison someone should because it has flown over my head, granted it is pretty late right now.

The best part of the book would have to be the interaction between Damian Wayne and the Joker. It is the first meeting between the two and things are not going well. Im not sure why but Damian decides to attack the Joker with a crowbar the first chance he gets. Batman happens to be away at the time and hears about Joker wanting to speak with Robin. Batman immediately knows this is a bad situation and fully expects Damian to possibly kill the Joker given the chance. Im going to reread this issue tomorrow before reading part two. I just feel like I am missing something. Im hoping if I take a look at it with fresh eyes in the morning the story and plot will click. Batman and Robin Must Die! Part One: The Garden of Death by Grant Morrison and art by Frazer Irving is COMPELLING.


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