Tuesday, November 1, 2016

100 Days of Batman, Day 98

For the final three days of the 100 Days of Batman I wanted to read something special, maybe something a little different. So when I discovered the graphic novel Dark Night: A True Batman Story by Paul Dini and art by Eduardo Risso I knew I had to pick it up. It is a fairly long book so it is perfect to split up over the final three days. I will be SPOILING the book but I think everyone should give it a read for themselves so if you have not read it stop reading this blog and go find a copy to read.

Dark Night: A True Batman Story is not a Batman story in the traditional sense but rather the story of one man's journey through the world of storytelling and the tragic mugging he would fall victim to. Paul Dini was one of those kids that just wants to be invisible and is happiest when he is spending times in the worlds that are contained in the pages of books. He would eventually discover Batman which would lead to his love of creating new and exciting characters and of corse telling his on stories through the gift of writing. Paul would eventually get a job working for Warner Brothers as a writer on the much beloved Batman: The Animated Series. This is when you start to see the cracks in Paul's life. His family has always supported him but he never spends times with them outside of holidays, his dating life on the surface appears to be amazing but in reality it is nothing more than a joke. During everyone of these panels Paul's inner monologue is portrayed as Batman and company.

One night after walking the girl he thought he was dating to her car Paul's life would change forever. He was mugged beaten and robbed for no reason other than he was in the wrong place at the wrong time. Having been left for dead Paul manages to make it home and contact the police who do little to nothing to help him and instead make jokes about how he could have used Batman. Feeling broken and alone Paul goes home where he drinks away what happened to him all the while bleeding and feeling like his head was smashed.

I honestly can not do the book justice and really think it is best if you simply read it for yourself. Personally I am loving it. It is interesting to see into the lives of someone who helped shaped my love for Batman. Batman: The Animated Series is where my love for Batman began and is still one of my absolute favorites. This book so far has been a great way to finish of my 100 Days of Batman. Do yourself a favor and pick up this book so far it is a MUST READ.


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