Sunday, October 30, 2016

100 Days of Batman, Day 96

Well then. Chances are this will be a short post because I'm not really enjoying what I'm reading. Oh and chances are I will SPOIL this book. Rise of the Batmen Part 3: Army of Shadows by James Tynion and art by Alvaro Martinez sets th stage for Batwoman to take command of the team Batman gathered in the first two issues of the story arc. Batman has been defeated by the Batmen and is now missing. Batwoman assembles the team to go after them and find Bruce. She however brings her father, Col. Kane in as an advisor. Guess what he's the one running the bad guys. The team barely makes it out without being captured.

Ok so my biggest issue with this book is Batwoman. I've never really read anything with her before and I'm finding I do not like her and that she annoys me. I can't figure out why she does but I'm sure I will eventually. The rest of the cast is good and fun. Red Robin is especially well written. Sadly Batman did not make a signal appearance in the book and has essentially become the books "damsel" in distress which is fine. Because Batwoman annoys me so much this book is still only COMPELLING. Tomorrow I may just power through the remaining issues and move on to something else for the last couple days.


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