Friday, September 23, 2016

100 Days of Batman, Day 59

Wanting to try and stay more current with DC's comics featuring Batman I went ahead and picked up the first issue of Trinity. Trinity is not primarily just a Batman book but rather gives ample attention to the big three of the DC universe, Batman, Superman, and Wonder Woman. I should mention I will be including some spoilers to major plot points to the current DC story lines. So if you do happen to be reading any of the books featuring any of these heroes, be warned I may or may not spoiling something for you.

The debut issue of Trinity: Better Together: Part One Family Dinner (Wow that is a bit of a mouth full) written and art by Francis Manapul (I have no idea who he or she is) takes place sometime shortly after the death of the New 52 Superman. Batman and Wonder Woman are still dealing with the loss of their friend and partner decide to begin a relationship with the Pre New 52 Superman who was somehow teleported to their world.

Trinity issue one is strangely short clocking in at twenty pages. Despite the shorter book the story does not seem to suffer. The book is best described as mellow and low key. Now I have been complaining about boring stories that last few days because they did not have any real action. This book also has no action but I was not bored. I was really entertained actually. Manapul focuses on the relationships and does a good job with that. Batman is struggling with trusting (no surprise) this Superman from another world. Wonder Woman lost the man whom she was romantically involved with and this Superman reminds her of him. And Superman well, he is just uncomfortable with the world he and his family have landed in. Yup this Superman is married to Lois Lane and has a son named Jon. Even though it lacked any action and is not primarily a Batman book I defiantly recommend picking it up and giving it a read. Manapul gives A WORTH YOUR TIME tale that does a great job at establishing relationships.


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