It's day 15 and I'm going to interrupt the Batman: The Black Mirror story arc to instead read All-Star Batman Issue #1 written by Scott Snyder. I have been eagerly anticipating this book since it was announced. Snyder's basic idea in All-Star Batman is to take the villains and reimagine them. The first villain is Harvey Dent aka Two-Face. The name of this arc is My Own Worst Enemy. The basic plot is that Two-Face has dirt on everyone and he's offered to make whoever kills Batman rich or he exposes all the dark secrets he has. Batman is on the run as everyone is after him but he needs to get Two-Face to some house almost 500 miles away.
So what did I think of this first issue? Well it's not creepy or disturbing like Black Mirror, two qualities you know I enjoy in a Batman story if you have been following along, but that doesn't hurt the book. It's just plain fun. I definitely think this is a strong beginning to what is sure to be a great ride. I don't want to say much more about it as it was just released today but I definitely think everyone should give it a try as it is A MUST READ. Not surprising based on the author but perhaps I'm just biased in my opinion of Snyder. Come back tomorrow as I continue with the next issue in Batman: Black Mirror.
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